

西雅图 Pacific is measuring a range of initiatives that relate to our strategic goals — in particular the goal of academic excellence and relevance, and the goal of transformative and holistic student experience. We are also measuring our fundraising efforts through fundraising milestones.

Academic excellence and relevance

通过高质量的, 资源充足的, and distinctive academic programs that attract high-quality students, 教师, 和工作人员, pursuing pedagogical and technological innovation, 好的赌博软件推荐 will work to foster academic rigor and global and intercultural competency to prepare students for 今天’s complex society.

Key performance indicator: measuring students’ higher-order thinking skills

The most recent Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA+) released in 2014–15 measures SPU students’ critical thinking and written communication skills, comparing results from other colleges and universities using the same assessment tool. SPU has a freshman Total CLA+ that is greater than or equal to the average freshmen score, demonstrating proficient mastery of critical-thinking and written-communication skills.

CLA +图表

National Survey of Student Engagement

The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) measures the way college and university students feel they engage with their education. The NSSE studies four major areas of student learning through hundreds of questions. 这些领域包括:


  • 高阶学习
  • 反光 and integrative learning
  • 学习策略
  • 定量推理


  • 协作学习
  • Discussions with diverse others (this is where SPU falls short of peer institutions among surveyed seniors)


  • 师生互动
  • 有效的教学实践

赌博十大靠谱软件 half of 教师 say they are engaged in research with students or involved in internships or other field experiences, and 65 percent report that they incorporate service learning into their student interactions.


  • 互动的质量
  • 支持环境

好的赌博软件推荐’s 2015 National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE)* asked students to evaluate 10 indicators within four broad themes: academic challenge, 与同伴一起学习, 教职员工的经历, 校园环境. The tables below compare average scores of SPU students with those in the University’s comparison groups.


主题 参与指标 SPU first-year students compared with Far West Private SPU first-year students compared with Carnegie Class SPU first-year students compared with NSSE 2014 & 2015
学术挑战 高阶学习 无显著差异 无显著差异 无显著差异
反光 & 综合学习 无显著差异 SPU students’ average was significantly higher (p < .05), with an effect size less than .震级3 SPU students’ average was significantly higher (p < .05), with an effect size less than .震级3
学习策略 SPU students’ average was significantly higher (p < .05), with an effect size less than .震级3 SPU students’ average was significantly higher (p < .05), with an effect size less than .震级3 SPU students’ average was significantly higher (p < .05), with an effect size less than .震级3
定量推理 无显著差异 无显著差异 无显著差异
与同伴一起学习 协作学习 SPU students’ average was significantly higher (p < .05), with an effect size of at least .震级3 SPU students’ average was significantly higher (p < .05), with an effect size of at least .震级3 SPU students’ average was significantly higher (p < .05), with an effect size of at least .震级3
与不同的人讨论 SPU students’ average was significantly higher (p < .05), with an effect size less than .震级3 SPU students’ average was significantly higher (p < .05), with an effect size less than .震级3 SPU students’ average was significantly higher (p < .05), with an effect size less than .震级3
教职员工的经历 师生互动 无显著差异 无显著差异 无显著差异
有效的教学实践 无显著差异 无显著差异 无显著差异
校园环境 互动的质量 无显著差异 SPU students’ average was significantly higher (p < .05), with an effect size less than .震级3 SPU students’ average was significantly higher (p < .05), with an effect size less than .震级3
支持环境 无显著差异 SPU students’ average was significantly higher (p < .05), with an effect size less than .震级3 SPU students’ average was significantly higher (p < .05), with an effect size less than .震级3


主题 参与指标 SPU seniors compared with Far West Private SPU seniors compared with Carnegie Class SPU seniors compared with NSSE 2014 & 2015
学术挑战 高阶学习 无显著差异 SPU students’ average was significantly higher (p < .05), with an effect size less than .震级3 SPU students’ average was significantly higher (p < .05), with an effect size less than .震级3
反光 & 综合学习 SPU students’ average was significantly higher (p < .05), with an effect size less than .震级3 SPU students’ average was significantly higher (p < .05), with an effect size of at least .震级3 SPU students’ average was significantly higher (p < .05), with an effect size of at least .震级3
学习策略 无显著差异 无显著差异 无显著差异
定量推理 无显著差异 无显著差异 无显著差异
与同伴一起学习 协作学习 SPU students’ average was significantly higher (p < .05), with an effect size of at least .震级3 SPU students’ average was significantly higher (p < .05), with an effect size of at least .震级3 SPU students’ average was significantly higher (p < .05), with an effect size of at least .震级3
与不同的人讨论 SPU students’ average was significantly lower (p < .05), with an effect size less than .震级3 无显著差异 无显著差异
教职员工的经历 师生互动 SPU students’ average was significantly higher (p < .05), with an effect size less than .震级3 SPU students’ average was significantly higher (p < .05), with an effect size of at least .震级3 SPU students’ average was significantly higher (p < .05), with an effect size of at least .震级3
有效的教学实践 无显著差异 无显著差异 无显著差异
校园环境 互动的质量 SPU students’ average was significantly higher (p < .05), with an effect size less than .震级3 SPU students’ average was significantly higher (p < .05), with an effect size of at least .震级3 SPU students’ average was significantly higher (p < .05), with an effect size of at least .震级3
支持环境 SPU students’ average was significantly higher (p < .05), with an effect size of at least .震级3 SPU students’ average was significantly higher (p < .05), with an effect size of at least .震级3 SPU students’ average was significantly higher (p < .05), with an effect size of at least .震级3

SPU students’ average was significantly higher (p < .05), with an effect size of at least .震级3  SPU students’ average was significantly higher (p < .05), with an effect size of at least .震级3
SPU students’ average was significantly higher (p < .05), with an effect size less than .震级3  SPU students’ average was significantly higher (p < .05), with an effect size less than .震级3
无显著差异  无显著差异
SPU students’ average was significantly lower (p < .05), with an effect size less than .震级3  SPU students’ average was significantly lower (p < .05), with an effect size less than .震级3
SPU students’ average was significantly lower (p < .05), with an effect size of at least .震级3  SPU students’ average was significantly lower (p < .05), with an effect size of at least .震级3

*The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) will next be updated in 2018–19.

Key performance indicator: 教师 participation in high-impact practices

The Faculty Survey of Student Engagement, 2015年进行, measures 教师 perception of student learning. 赌博十大靠谱软件 half of 教师 say they are engaged in research with students or involved in internships or other field experiences, and 65 percent report that they incorporate service learning in their student interactions.







a. Percentage of 教师 responding “Yes” to participation
b. Percentage of 教师 responding that at least “Some” of their courses include a service-learning component

Transformative and holistic student experience

好的赌博软件推荐 will enhance and strengthen co-curricular learning experiences by integrating academics, 好的赌博软件推荐, 以及大学部门, to help students develop a sense of vocation and effectively transition to post-college life.

Key performance indicator: persistence and graduation rates  

持久性率 is the percent of students who return to college for a second year.  

毕业率 are measured and defined nationally by the percent of first-time, full-time undergraduate students completing a bachelor’s degree in six years.

  2012–13 2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
持久性 (大一到大二) 84.0% 86.0% 85.0% 82.0%
毕业率 (6) 72.0% 69.0% 75.0% 71.0%

Key performance indicator: student-教师 interaction

The Faculty Survey of Student Engagement, 2015年竣工, measures 教师 reporting on how often they have done each of the following with the undergraduate students they teach or advise:

Talked about students’ career plans:

38% Very 经常, 37% 经常, 25% 有时

Worked on activities other than coursework:

17% Very 经常, 14% 经常, 53% 有时

Discussed course topics, ideas, or concepts outside of class:

20% Very 经常, 46% 经常, 33% 有时

Discussed students’ academic performance:

23% Very 经常, 46% 经常, 30% 有时

 经常 经常  有时  从来没有