
If you are interested in meeting with Hayley, please email stepstostem@gmail.com, indicating the name of the peer mentor you wish to meet with.

海莉·切尼·凯恩My name is Hayley Cheyney Kāne and I graduated from SPU with a B.S. Physiology last spring. My time at SPU was a whirlwind of unrestrained learning. Not only in the academic sense, but like most college experiences, 在情感上, mental and spiritual sense as well. Being a part of SPU has done a lot to shape me into the individual that I am 今天. 更具体地说, the time that I spent as a student in the sciences has done a lot to shape me into the professional and life-long learner I want to be. I went into college knowing that I wanted to eventually go to medical school and become a physician. My ultimate goal is to move back home to help the Hawaiian people suffering from a lack of healthcare professionals and to be a role model to other young Hawaiian women who have a passion for science. 我来自夏威夷, I had a hard time adjusting to the culture shock at first, but the close-knit relationships I created going through those tough entry-level science courses, made me feel right at home. I learned very quickly that these classes are designed to facilitate group work and being successful meant learning from and through your classmates who could provide different perspectives on the material. 通过这个, I have been able to create long-lasting friendships and learning skills that I wouldn’t have had otherwise. I am extremely blessed and thankful to have been a part of the 伊顿大厅 family. The professors work so hard to ensure that their students are cared for and that they are learning. It has prepared me for life outside of college in ways I hadn’t even realized while I was at SPU. I also had the honor of being a part of a mentorship program called BioCore Scholars, feel free to check out what they are about in the link here: http://0933282516.com/academics/college-of-arts-sciences/biology/undergraduate-programs/biocore-scholars-program. This program was started with my cohort and has given me opportunities beyond my wildest dreams! I am now living in 西雅图, working as a Medical Scribe and studying for the MCAT in preparation for medical school.

I am free every Sunday and Monday and after 1 o’clock on Wednesdays and Thursdays.