校友 Stories: 科林Markstrom

I decided to apply to SPU because I had heard such great things about the student experience there. The smaller class sizes made building relationships with faculty and other students easy. My time spent on campus felt very comfortable, and I was able to have some wonderful and thought-provoking conversations with mentors and peers that may not have been possible at other universities. History has been an interest and passion of mine since I was young. It was a natural choice as a discipline to major in it during my time at SPU. I also was very impressed by the courses offered by the History Department at SPU, as well as the backgrounds of the faculty. I looked forward to the opportunity to study under them.

My faith grew a great deal during my time at SPU. Specifically, my understanding of the Christian faith. Before attending SPU, I was unaware of the ways that faith was tied in to history, 科学, 政治, 等. Each course was able to demonstrate the relationship between the subject matter and Christianity, and in turn expand my understanding of faith.

I currently work for George Washington University in the office of Military and Veteran Services. I am responsible for certifying VA education benefits and for program initiatives for GW's student veterans. Prior to my work at GW, I worked as a project manager for the Operations Department of National Geographic Society. I was responsible for the implementation of much of the technology used by the Society at their headquarters in Washington, D.C.

My training in history has been very helpful professionally after graduation. My coursework and studies taught me to think critically about information I am presented with. It is important to ask questions to better understand why information is being given a certain way. 除了, having a formal education in history allows one to have a better understanding of why the world is the way it is 今天. That knowledge gives one the tools necessary to better understand the world and our place in it.

This has helped me a great deal in my current position, as critical thinking is key to the success of a project's implementation. My training in history has been relevant to some of the projects to which I have been assigned. The major was also valuable to the hiring manager I worked with to gain the position. I feel that my experiences working with others during my time at SPU have also contributed to my success in my career.



My first professional library job was as an assistant librarian at the Chemical Heritage Foundation, now the Science History Institute, 在费城, PA. 


这是Josh Farrar

I am a PhD student in the Nautical Archaeology Program of the Anthropology Department at Texas A&米大学.