
自1936年以来, SPU’s 卫生科学学院 has opened new doors and created exciting new career paths for students, including opportunities in clinical care, 专业实践, 教育, 学者, and practice in diverse clinical populations.

纵观其历史, the nursing program’s central theme and 哲学 of promoting and supporting high quality nursing have remained constant. The program has developed over the years through many hours of fine tuning, 爱的劳动, 不断的祈祷. Our strategic plan guides decisions and actions based on our agreed-upon mission, 核心价值观, 哲学, 和计划.

Connections with clinical agencies, 护理领导人, and 教育al institutions continue to bring SPU’s 护理 program to a position of high regard in the region. Students and graduates from SPU are recognized as having a high level of knowledge, 优秀的技能, 和服务的心. The rich heritage of the past bestows challenges and blessings on the school, 校友, 教师, 和朋友.

Challenges of the future are addressed through our continuously evolving strategic plan.


Based on our commitment to Christian values, we seek to partner with the community to develop graduates who engage the culture, 改变世界, 和:

  • 为所有人服务 with the highest level of professional care.
  • 展示能力 in a diverse and changing environment.
  • 用智慧行动; 品格和关怀.
  • 展示领导力 在护理的各个方面.
  • 促进最佳健康 身体、思想和精神.

Our 核心价值观 are: Excellence; respect; diversity; inquiry; and caring presence.


Five program outcomes frame the curricula and student learning outcomes in all levels of the nursing program:


Demonstrate thinking that underlies independent and interdependent decision making.


演示复杂, 正在进行的, interactive processes using a variety of methods: oral, 写, 非语言的, 和技术.


Demonstrate an ability to gather information about the health status of the client and/or community, 分析数据, make judgments about nursing interventions, 评估结果.


Use technical skills required for the delivery of nursing care; demonstrate an ability to teach, 委托, and supervise skilled tasks by others.


Demonstrate professional behaviors and an integration of faith, 精神价值, and ethics in your nursing practice.