What Is Psychology?

The science of psychology explores the nature and causes of behavior, 感情, 和思想, as well as effective strategies to maintain psychological and social health. It’s also a highly dynamic field, constantly changing as discoveries reveal new understandings, new 研究 possibilities, and new applications to the human condition.

At 西雅图 Pacific University, the psychology program provides students with solid academic and experiential grounding in the theory, 研究, and practice of psychology.

When you major or minor in psychology, you will be challenged and empowered by professors, as well as given the opportunity to help in cutting-edge 研究.

SPU’s urban location provides many opportunities for real-world field experiences in mental health clinics, social-service agencies, educational institutions, 医院, 和业务. An internship coordinator will help you match your preparation, 能力, and interests with the demands of the field experience.

Also available are opportunities for students to engage in current 研究 projects. These include involvement on multiple levels: as participants, members of ongoing 研究 teams, 研究 assistantships, and as independent 研究ers. 

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