SPS Inclusive 社区

The Christian gospel aims to provide a clear witness to the revelation of God through Jesus Christ. For this reason, the words we choose are influential and significant.

Because language related to race, 性别, class, and nationality has a particular power to liberate or to marginalize other human beings, our words ought to exhibit the sort of grace-filled sensitivity to human dignity that is part and parcel of the Christian gospel (James 3:1–18).

特别是, 西雅图 Pacific Seminary believes that language about God and people should mirror these biblical truths: that God created both male and female in God’s image (Genesis 1:27); that God formed male and female into a working partnership to steward all of God’s creation (Genesis 1:28); and that God loves every one equally without respect to race, 性别, class, or nationality; yet all are equally in need of God’s forgiveness and equally transformed by God’s grace into new creatures because of Jesus Christ (1 Timothy 2:3–6). The use of nondiscriminatory language substantiates these truths and fosters a community where “there is neither Jew nor Greek, 奴隶而非自由人, 男性非女性, for all are one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28).

The social practices of 西雅图 Pacific Seminary’s Wesleyan heritage exemplify these biblical truths. Rooted deep within Wesleyan theology is active participation in the lifting of oppression in any form so as to extend and implement the freedom of the gospel to all whom God has created and seeks to redeem. The record of Wesleyans on behalf of those on the margins is impressive and honorable, and should be furthered by the modern offspring of Wesley in word and deed.

因此, it is the policy of the 神学院 at 西雅图 Pacific University to use nondiscriminatory language in our syllabi, 出版物, 和通信. (The grammatical particulars about nondiscriminatory language are spelled out in 日常作家.)

此外, when writing and speaking about God, the 神学院 encourages the use of a wide variety of images found in Scripture and the Christian tradition, 比如岩石, 主权, 光, 母鹰, 牧羊人, 创造者, 父亲, 等等....... By drawing on the richness of these biblical images, we position ourselves to deepen our understanding of God’s manifold attributes more fully and to help form God’s multiform people into a more inclusive community.



凯瑟琳·道格拉斯, Associate Professor of Educational Ministry and Practical Theology

“I love teaching at SPU because of the quirky way we fit into the PNW culture. As a community we care deeply about participating in God’s reconciling work between people and the land. As a liberal arts college we have the advantage of working across disciplines on these very issues.”

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