
  • 生物化学(主要)
  • 化学(主修和辅修)

化学 is primarily concerned with matter, 能源, 以及它们的相互作用, 和 chemists do a wide variety of things:

  • 制造新的物质, 包括新材料和新药物.
  • 设计新方法 制造已知的化合物.
  • Isolate 和 determine chemical structures 自然产生的物质.
  • 阐明化学机制 生物过程背后.
  • 试着解释这些变化 重要经历.
  • 开发和应用分析技术 for criminal investigations 和 environmental problems.
  • Sell chemicals, teach chemistry, 和 apply chemical knowledge to solve other societal 和 technological problems.

Chemists are also concerned about the effect their work 和 technology have on society 和 on individuals. They are in the forefront of efforts to make sure that technology serves humankind rather than vice versa.

在西雅图太平洋, the curriculum in this department is designed to serve you if you desire a career in chemistry, 生物化学, 或者科学教育, or if you are interested in pursuing further study in medicine, 牙科, 药店, 工程, 或者其他科学.

了解更多赌博十大靠谱软件这个部门的信息’s 使命、愿景和学习成果.



This degree prepares you for graduate study in 生物化学 和 molecular biology. 

  • 至少103学分; including 49 upper-division, are required for this major.
  • 要在四年内完成这个学位, you should begin with CHM 1211 和 MAT 1234 in the first quarter of your freshman year.
  • If you are interested in health sciences, 指 职前健康课程.



If you are preparing for medical or dental school, 从事医疗技术工作, 药店, 或相关领域, or to teach chemistry at the secondary level, 这个专业是为你准备的. 

  • A minimum of 80 credits are required for this major, including 37 upper-division credits in chemistry.
  • If you are interested in a career in medicine, 牙科, or other health-related fields, 指 职前健康课程.



This major is recommended if you intend a professional degree in chemistry or plan on graduate 和 other advanced work in chemistry, 分子生物学的某些方面, 毒理学, 法医科学. 

  • A minimum of 100 credits are required for this major, including 52 upper-division credits in chemistry.
  • 要在四年内完成这个学位, you should generally begin with CHM 1211 和 MAT 1234 in the first quarter of your freshman year.
  • If you plan on graduate studies in chemistry, 附加数学(e).g., MAT 1236, MAT 3237, 和 MAT 3360) may be recommended by your advisor.
  • 本专业以推荐书为指导美国化学学会 和 should prepare you for graduate work in chemistry or for employment as a chemist.



  • A minimum of 35 credits in chemistry/生物化学, including 20 upper-division credits are required for this minor.
  • You must include CHM 1211 General 化学 I (5学分), 通用化学2 (5学分) CHM 3371 和 3372有机化学 (10学分). 
  • 化学选修课必须包括 at least two 的se four areas:  inorganic, analytical, physical, 和 生物化学. 


To qualify for admission to a 化学与生物化学 major or minor, you must have a minimum 2.7 grade point average in SPU CHM 1211 和 1212, or a minimum 2.3 cumulative grade point average in at least 10 credits of SPU CHM 3000-level courses. 

Application may be made through the online 主修或副修申请表. You must complete the major or minor requirements in effect when you are admitted to the major or minor.

Please note that the following CHM-prefix courses cannot be applied to 化学与生物化学 majors or minors: 1100, 1110, 1310, 1330, 1360, 2930, 和4930年.



If you plan to obtain Residency Teacher Certification 和 are interested in teaching chemistry, 你必须主修 综合研究专业 with a concentration in Natural 科学.

The concentration consists of courses in biology, physics, 和 chemistry. 

Application to this major is through the advisor for the natural sciences concentration, Dr. 卡拉·格雷(grayk5@0933282516.com).

Further information on the elementary certification program is available in the 教育学院.  


If you plan to obtain secondary Residency Teacher Certification, you should complete the requirements for a BA in 化学 和 any additional requirements needed for certification. Information about secondary certification can be found in the 教育学院

Otto Miller Hall at 好的赌博软件推荐

应用 to major or minor in 化学 or Biochemistry

If you are a current SPU student 和 have a minimum 2.5 GPA in SPU 化学课程, you can apply for a 化学 or Biochemistry major or minor.



参观 化学与生物化学系 to see how a degree from this department can help you achieve your goals 和 make a difference in the world.



建议课程顺序 help you complete your degree in a timely manner.